學術沙龍|微觀理論讨論班(第4期): Information Design: A Unified Perspective 研讨論文Information Design: A Unified Perspective (Journal of Economic Literature. Dirk Bergemann and Stephen Morris. 2019) 主講人姜渭(北京大學2021級博士生) 論文簡介Given a game with uncertain payoffs, information design analyzes the extent to which the provision of information alone can influence the behavior of the players. Information design has a literal interpretation, under which there ...
30 2024-03
學術沙龍DSGE讨論班(第56期):新凱恩斯主義模型:異質性個體與最優貨币政策 研讨論文Optimal Monetary Policy and Liquidity with Heterogeneous Households (Florin O. Bilbiie , Xavier Ragot,2021 RED)主講人李佳鑫(金融學院2021級碩士生)論文摘要A liquidity-insurance motive for monetary policy operates when heterogeneous households use government-provided liquidity (“money”) to insure idiosyncratic risk. In our tractable sticky-price model this changes the central bank’...
27 2024-03
學術沙龍|應用微觀理論與實證讨論班(2024年春季學期第3期) 主講人:夏雨涵 熊芷琦 王丹楓(中經管2022級本科生)報告論文:New metro and housing price and rent premiums: A natural experiment in China論文摘要:Causal evidence of housing premiums of new metro lines is indispensable for financing and governing infrastructure investments. Previous studies have investigated the housing effects of urban rail transit with varying methods, while causality remains ...
26 2024-03
講座預告 | 債券與跨股票回報可預測性的經濟聯系 講座嘉賓:劉昕時間:2024年3月27日,周三,10:00-11:30地點:學術會堂603講座論文題目:Economic Links from Bonds and Cross-Stock Return Predictability摘要:Identifying firms’ bond-market-specific economic links through credit-rating comovement of their corporate bonds, a long-short strategy for stocks based on these links generates a risk-adjusted alpha of 0.45% per month, which cannot be explaine...
24 2024-03
學術沙龍|宏觀金融讨論班(第96期):變分法及其在經濟學中的應用 報告主題Calculus of Variations and Its Application in Economics主講人明洋(中經管助理教授)内容簡介Dynamic optimization problems are frequently used in economic models, especially in the fields of economic growth and financial economics, where agents choose a continuous function to maximize or minimize an objective functional under constraints. Calculus of variations is a powerful and easy-to-p...
22 2024-03
講座預告|李翊良:The Causal Effects of Global Supply Chain Disruptions on Macroeconomic Outcomes: Evidence and Theory 理悅CEMA•知與行系列研讨會2024年第二講将于3月21日(周四)中午12:00-13:30在學術會堂712會議室舉行,由外經濟貿易大學助理教授李翊良報告 “The Causal Effects of Global Supply Chain Disruptions on Macroeconomic Outcomes: Evidence and Theory”,歡迎感興趣的師生參加。【題目】:The Causal Effects of Global Supply Chain Disruptions on Macroeconomic Outcomes: Evidence and Theory【摘要】:We study the caus...
19 2024-03
講座預告 | 由内而外的行動主義: 來自世界各地強制勞動力政策采納情況的證據 講座嘉賓:李東旭時間:2024年3月20日,周三,10:00-11:30地點:學術會堂702講座論文題目:Activism from the Inside Out: Evidence from Mandatory Workforce Policy Adoptions around the World摘要:We investigate how firms balance between labor costs and employees’ social preferences. Exploiting a comprehensive data of freight shipment records, we show that U.S. firms increase import from the supplier c...
19 2024-03
學術沙龍‖DSGE讨論班(第55期):新凱恩斯主義模型:異質性個體與最優貨币政策 1. 分享論文: Optimal Monetary Policy and Liquidity with Heterogeneous Households (Florin O. Bilbiie , Xavier Ragot,2021 RED)2. 分享人: 李佳鑫(金融學院2021級碩士生)3. 時間:2024年3月21日(周四),晚上19:00-22:004. 地點: 學術會堂7125. 主持人:王忏(金融學院),趙軍柱(韦德体育bevictor中國經濟與管理研究院)6. 論文摘要:A liquidity-insurance motive for monetary policy operates when heterogeneo...
19 2024-03
學術沙龍|宏觀金融讨論班(第95期):熊彼特增長理論下的最優通脹率 1.研讨論文:The optimal inflation rate under Schumpeterian growth (Journal of Monetary Economics. Koki Oikawa and Kozo Ueda. 2018)2.主講人孫敏娴(中經管2021級博士生)3.上期回顧We went through the proofs of lemma 2-3 and proposition 1-3. Additionally, we introduced the concept of the firm distribution function, incorporating the heterogeneous pricing distribution. Furthermore, we deduced three d...
16 2024-03
學術沙龍|微觀理論讨論班(第3期):Censorship as Optimal Persuasion 1.研讨論文:Censorship as Optimal Persuasion (Theoretical Economics. Anton Kolotilin, Timofiy Mylovanov and Andriy Zapechelnyuk. 2022) 2.主講人:姜渭(北京大學2021級博士生) 3.論文簡介 We consider a Bayesian persuasion problem where a sender’s utility depends only on the expected state. We show that upper censorship that pools the states above a cutoff and reveals the states below the cutoff i...
16 2024-03