學術沙龍|宏觀金融讨論班(第132期):金融摩擦下的最優發展政策 研讨論文Optimal Development Policies With Financial Frictions (Econometrica. Itskhoki and Moll. 2019)主講人孫敏娴(中經管2021級博士生)論文簡介Is there a role for governments in emerging countries to accelerate economic development by intervening in product and factor markets? To address this question, we study optimal dynamic Ramsey policies in a standard growth model with financial frictions....
10 2025-01
CALL FOR PAPERS: 2025 Annals of Economics and Finance Conference Paper InvitationAnnals of Economics and FinanceChina Conference and Special Issue"Advance Economy Forward for China: Challenges and Opportunities"01 CALL FOR PAPERS2025 Annals of Economics and Finance China Conference(AEFCC)and Special Issue on“Advance Economy Forward for China: Challenges and Opportunities”May 9-10, 2025Beijing, China02 CONFERENCEThe School of Innovation and Development at...
09 2025-01
學術沙龍|宏觀金融讨論班(131期):基于研發的增長模型:二次回顧 1、研讨主題A Review of R&D-Based Growth Models2、主講人明洋(中經管助理教授)3、上期回顧We studied a baseline Schumpeterian model featuring creative destruction, where entrants replace incumbents with stochastic innovation, obtaining a profit flow for a random duration. This business stealing effect may lead to overinvestment in R&D in the decentralized equilibrium.4、本期預告We will study a st...
02 2025-01
學術沙龍|宏觀金融讨論班(第130期):基于研發的增長模型:二次回顧 研讨主題A Review of R&D-Based Growth Models主講人明洋(中經管助理教授)上期回顧We studied two expanding variety models. In the first one, R&D is done with labor as input,and innovation has a positive externality. The spillover effect of innovation leads to insufficient R&D and a lower growth rate in the decentralized equilibrium than in the social planner's solution.We also analyzed a second mo...
25 2024-12
學術沙龍|微觀理論讨論班(第18期): 雙邊平台的信息設計 研讨論文Information Provision in Two-Sided Platforms: Optimizing for Supply(Management Science.Kostas Bimpikis,Yiangos Papanastasiou, Wenchang Zhang. 2023)主講人龔雅娴(韦德体育bevictor經濟學院副教授)内容簡介Although information design has recently received significant attention as a tool for shaping consumers’purchase behavior,little is known about it's use and implications in two-sided marketpl...
23 2024-12
講座預告 | 段廷桦:碳定價對企業績效的影響:來自全球的證據 時間2024年12月24日(周二)14:00-15:30地點學術會堂 603講座題目The Effect of Carbon Pricing on Firm Performance: Worldwide Evidence碳定價對企業績效的影響:來自全球的證據摘要Despite the theoretical benefits of carbon pricing in combating climate change, many countries seem reluctant to adopt such policies. To address these concerns, we utilize the staggered enactment of carbon pricing initiatives ...
23 2024-12
我校舉辦第十六屆人力資本國際研讨會并發布 《2024年中國人力資本報告》 2024年12月14日,第十六屆人力資本國際研讨會暨2024年中國人力資本報告發布會在韦德体育bevictor召開。會議由韦德体育bevictor人力資本與勞動經濟研究中心主辦,韦德体育bevictor校長馬海濤教授出席并緻辭。韦德体育bevictor黨委常務副書記王穎、黨委副書記林藝茹、學院師生以及學者嘉賓150餘人線下線上參會。開場環節由人力資本與勞動經濟研究中心特聘的紐約州立大學布法羅分校劉智強教授主持。會議現場馬海濤校長對中國人力資本度量項目所取得...
20 2024-12
學術沙龍|宏觀金融讨論班(第129期):基于研發的增長模型:一次回顧 研讨論文A Review of R&D-Based Growth Models主講人明洋(韦德体育bevictor中國經濟與管理研究助理教授)上期回顧We reviewed the features and limitations of the first-generation endogenous growth models.We went through an expanding variety model in which the final good is produced with labor and a continuum of differentiated intermediate goods(machines).The R&D is done with the final good;successful inno...
18 2024-12
講座預告|理悅CEMA•知與行系列研讨會2024 年第十二講 理悅CEMA•知與行系列研讨會2024年第十二講将于12月19日(周四)中午12:00-13:30在學術會堂712會議室舉行,由新西蘭奧塔哥大學教授張近報告“The Edgeworth and Gram-Charlier Densities”,歡迎感興趣的師生參加。題目The Edgeworth and Gram-Charlier Densities摘要This paper is the first to define the Edgeworth density and comprehensively compare it to the Gram–Charlier density in the context of option pricing...
17 2024-12
勇立時代潮頭,勇攀科研高峰 ——韦德体育bevictor舉辦全面深化改革決定與科研選題講座 勇立時代潮頭,勇攀科研高峰 ——韦德体育bevictor舉辦全面深化改革決定與科研選題講座為深入學習貫徹黨的二十屆三中全會精神,加快建設中國特色、世界一流的大學和優勢學科,推動學院科研工作高質量發展,2024年12月11日,韦德体育bevictor在學術會堂604開展學院黨委理論學習中心組(擴大)學習暨教師集中學習,李濤副校長出席。學院常務副院長袁淳以《進一步全面深化改革,推進中國式現代化——财經研究選題分析》為題作專題報告。集...
15 2024-12