科研成果|我院戚書源助理教授在金融學國際權威期刊Journal of Banking and Finance發表論文 發表論文近日,我院戚書源助理教授與英國薩塞克斯大學商學院的陳健助理教授的合作論文“Limit-hitting exciting effects: Modeling jump dependencies in stock markets adhering to daily price-limit rules”于金融學權威期刊Journal of Banking and Finance(ABS 3,中财AA類)上獲正式發表。本篇論文以中國金融市場的漲跌停機制為研究對象,創新性地提出了“觸限激勵效應(Limit-hitting exciting effects)”這一概念,該...
28 2024-04
學術沙龍|微觀理論讨論班(第7期):内生時間偏好與無限期重複博弈 研讨主題Infinitely repeated game with investment in patience capital主講人孫思棟(中國社會科學院大學講師、博士後)論文摘要作為傳統無限期重複博弈模型的子博弈精煉納什均衡,經典的觸發策略表明“耐心者更重視聲譽”:為了在未來不被排除于合作之外,他們在當下會拒絕通過背叛合作獲得一次性收益。本文在無限期重複博弈模型中引入了決策者關于耐心資本投資的權衡選擇、内生化了時間偏好,進而發現了耐心與聲譽在另一方...
28 2024-04
科研成果|我院陳翀副教授在金融學國際權威期刊Journal of Corporate Finance發表論文 近日,我院陳翀副教授的研究論文“Opioid Epidemic and Corporate Innovation”于公司金融學頂級期刊Journal of Corporate Finance(ABS 4,中财AA類)上獲正式發表。該論文的合作者還有香港城市大學商學院黃茜茜副教授,上海對外經貿大學金融管理學院施暢助理教授以及南京大學商學院袁濤助理教授。該研究獲得陳翀副教授所主持的國家自然科學基金青年項目(72102245)的資助。論文摘要: 本文探讨了阿片類藥物流行(Opioid Epid...
28 2024-04
學術沙龍|宏觀金融讨論班(第99期):經濟周期中的房價、借貸約束與貨币政策 研讨論文House Prices, Borrowing Constraints, and Monetary Policy in the Business Cycle (AER. Iacoviello. 2005)主講人孫甯(金融學院2023級博士生)論文摘要I develop and estimate a monetary business cycle model with nominal loans and collateral constraints tied to housing values. Demand shocks move housing and nominal prices in the same direction, and are amplified and propagated over time. The fin...
27 2024-04
學術沙龍|DSGE讨論班(第58期):了解工資靈活性帶來的收益:彙率關系 分享論文UNDERSTANDING THE GAINS FROM WAGE FLEXIBILITY: THE EXCHANGE RATE CONNECTION主講人沈傑(中經管2022級碩士生)論文摘要We study the gains from increased wage flexibility using a small open economy model with staggered price and wage setting. Two results stand out: (i) the effectiveness of labor cost reductions as a means to stimulate employment is much smaller in a currency union, (ii) an i...
24 2024-04
韦德体育bevictor舉辦第九期“學術午餐會” 4月19日,韦德体育bevictor第九期“學術午餐會”在學術會堂712會議室如期舉行。中國經濟與管理研究院明洋老師擔任主講嘉賓,并作了題為“國家所有權與企業研發績效:能力還是目标”的學術報告。韦德体育bevictor副院長汪雄劍等9名教師以及多名博士生參加了此次“學術午餐會”。本期“學術午餐會”上,明洋老師分享了自己的研究。現有理論表明,不同所有制的企業在研發活動(R&D)上的績效可能存在一定的差異,且這種差異既可能源于企業...
24 2024-04
學術沙龍|應用微觀理論與實證讨論班(2024年春季學期第7期) 報告論文Do Financial Concerns Make Workers Less Productive?主講人張肆祐 易嘉璐(中經管2022級本科生)論文摘要We test whether increasing cash-on-hand raises the productivity of poor workers. Our motivation is psychological. Concerns about money can create mental burdens such as worry, stress, or sadness. These in turn could interfere with the ability to work effectively. We empirically test for t...
23 2024-04
講座預告|When Interest Rates Go Low, Should Public Debt Go High? 2024年第三講将于4月25日(周四)中午12:00-13:30在學術會堂712會議室舉行,由廈門大學助理教授馮翔宇報告 “When Interest Rates Go Low, Should Public Debt Go High?”,歡迎感興趣的師生參加。01題目When Interest Rates Go Low, Should Public Debt Go High?02摘要Is deficit finance free when real borrowing rates are routinely lower than growth rates? Specifically, can the government make all generations bett...
23 2024-04
活動回顧|韦德体育bevictor高手雲集!中财大吉尼斯精彩收官! 風傳花信,雨濯春塵韦德体育bevictor首屆最強大腦錦标賽暨中财吉尼斯初賽圓滿落幕創發er們,挑戰無限讓我們來一起回顧本次比賽的精彩瞬間吧!賽事回顧 緊張刺激五子連珠傳承國粹,“棋”樂融融。棋手們一個個躍躍欲試,在小小棋盤上鬥智鬥勇,認真琢磨着每步棋的布局、進攻與退守。大家相互交流探讨棋局,比賽現場氣氛激烈而和諧。數字華容道面對錯綜複雜的數字棋盤,選手們的眼神專注而自信。向上,向左,再向下……他們敏捷地滑動...
22 2024-04
學術沙龍|微觀理論讨論班(第6期):簡單市場中的信息聚集與内生信息獲取 研讨主題Information and Learning in Markets —— The Impact of Market Microstructure主講人呂嘉琪(中經管2022級碩士生)論文摘要We will explore the welfare of the large Cournot market under asymmetric information and use a linear-quadratic-normal example to illustrate that only in fairly specific game structures does the large market aggregate information. Next we examine information aggregation ...
21 2024-04