學術沙龍|宏觀金融讨論班(第98期):帶有金融摩擦的最優發展政策 研讨論文Optimal Development Policies with Financial Frictions (Econometrica. Itskhoki and Moll. 2019)主講人馬展澤(北大光華管理學院23級博士生)上期回顧We developed a model featuring entrepreneurs with heterogeneous abilities, confronting financial frictions. This model allowed us to explore individual optimization behaviors, aggregate variables, and the inefficiencies inherent in competitive eq...
20 2024-04
學術沙龍|DSGE讨論班(第57期):新凱恩斯主義模型:異質性個體與最優貨币政策 分享論文Optimal Monetary Policy and Liquidity with Heterogeneous Households (Florin O. Bilbiie , Xavier Ragot,2021 RED)主講人李佳鑫(金融學院2021級碩士生)論文摘要A liquidity-insurance motive for monetary policy operates when heterogeneous households use government-provided liquidity (“money”) to insure idiosyncratic risk. In our tractable sticky-price model this changes the central bank’...
17 2024-04
學術沙龍|應用微觀理論與實證讨論班(2024年春季學期第6期) 報告論文“既然你這麼富有,你一定真的很聰明”:人才和财務工資溢價主講人張洢潆(中經管2022級本科生)杜澤鈞(中經管2023級本科生)論文摘要在過去的幾十年裡,金融部門的工資異常增長。這一趨勢的一個解釋是,金融領域的技能需求比其他部門增長更多。我們使用瑞典的行政數據,包括認知和非認知能力,以及美國數據,來檢查金融部門的人才分配和相對工資。我們沒有發現任何證據表明金融領域的人才有所改善,無論是平均水平還...
16 2024-04
名家論壇第五期|李凱:Allocative Efficiency of Green Finance Instruments 報告人李凱,北京大學彙豐商學院長聘副教授李凱博士現任職于北京大學彙豐商學院,擔任金融學長聘副教授,《經濟學》(季刊)和Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies副主編。研究主要集中在資産定價、宏觀金融、綠色金融、金融經濟學以及中國金融市場等領域,專注于構建、驗證并應用一套基于金融加速器效應的均衡資産定價理論,并針對中國金融市場的重要理論和實證問題進行應用。多篇論文發表在Journal of Finance, Review...
16 2024-04
學術沙龍|宏觀金融讨論班(97期):帶有金融摩擦的最優發展政策 研讨論文Optimal Development Policies with Financial Frictions (Econometrica. Itskhoki and Moll. 2019)主講人馬展澤(北大光華管理學院23級博士生)内容簡介Is there a role for governments in emerging countries to accelerate economic development by intervening in product and factor markets? To address this question, we study optimal dynamic Ramsey policies in a standard growth model with financial fr...
13 2024-04
講座預告 | Social Networks and Corporate Environmental Policy 1.講座嘉賓:石玉坤,副教授、博士生導師2.時間:2023年12月13日,周三,10:00-11:303.地點:學術會堂7024.講座論文題目:Social Networks and Corporate Environmental Policy5.摘要:This paper documents the spillover effects of corporate environmental policy through directors’ social networks. We find that the degree of similarity in environmental policy between the two firms is positively associated wi...
12 2024-04
學術沙龍|應用微觀理論與實證讨論班(2024年春季學期第5期) 01報告論文子女升學壓力和父母心理健康:基于CFPS2010的微觀證據02主講人陳煜杉(中經管2021級本科生)03内容簡介在中國激烈的學業競争背景下,義務教育階段的競争壓力日益突顯,子女的升學壓力使得孩子和家長成為了“焦慮共同體”。基于上述現象,本研究利用中國家庭追蹤調查(CFPS)2010年的截面數據,以子女就讀畢業班所産生的升學壓力作為外生沖擊,探究子女升學壓力對父母心理健康的影響。實證發現:子女面臨升學壓力會導...
09 2024-04
學術沙龍|微觀理論讨論班(第4期): Information Design: A Unified Perspective 研讨論文Information Design: A Unified Perspective (Journal of Economic Literature. Dirk Bergemann and Stephen Morris. 2019) 主講人姜渭(北京大學2021級博士生) 論文簡介Given a game with uncertain payoffs, information design analyzes the extent to which the provision of information alone can influence the behavior of the players. Information design has a literal interpretation, under which there ...
30 2024-03
學術沙龍DSGE讨論班(第56期):新凱恩斯主義模型:異質性個體與最優貨币政策 研讨論文Optimal Monetary Policy and Liquidity with Heterogeneous Households (Florin O. Bilbiie , Xavier Ragot,2021 RED)主講人李佳鑫(金融學院2021級碩士生)論文摘要A liquidity-insurance motive for monetary policy operates when heterogeneous households use government-provided liquidity (“money”) to insure idiosyncratic risk. In our tractable sticky-price model this changes the central bank’...
27 2024-03
學術沙龍|應用微觀理論與實證讨論班(2024年春季學期第3期) 主講人:夏雨涵 熊芷琦 王丹楓(中經管2022級本科生)報告論文:New metro and housing price and rent premiums: A natural experiment in China論文摘要:Causal evidence of housing premiums of new metro lines is indispensable for financing and governing infrastructure investments. Previous studies have investigated the housing effects of urban rail transit with varying methods, while causality remains ...
26 2024-03