學術沙龍|貨币經濟學讨論班(第67期):人口結構與全球失衡的演變 分享論文: Demographics and the evolution of global imbalances (Journal of Monetary Economics, Michael Sposi. 2022)分享人:張甜甜(金融學院,2022級博士生)時間:2024年09月28日(周六),下午15:00-17:00地點:學術會堂712主持人:王忏(金融學院),趙軍柱(韦德体育bevictor中國經濟與管理研究院)論文摘要:The age distribution influences capital flows through aggregate saving and labor supply. To quantify th...
27 2024-09
學術沙龍|宏觀金融讨論班(118期):非競争性與數據經濟學 1、研讨論文Nonrivalry and the Economics of Data (American Economic Review. Jones and Tonetti. 2020)2、主講人楊欣(中經管2021級博士生)3、上期回顧We first solved the social planner’s problem and obtained the optimal allocation. Then we turned to a decentralized equilibrium in which firms own data. In this equilibrium, firms decide whether to sell data. Data is bought and sold via a data interme...
27 2024-09
韦德体育bevictor第二屆全球校友學術年會《宏觀經濟和金融治理體系創新與高質量發展》征文通知 2024年10月26日中國·北京為了貫徹黨的二十大和二十屆三中全會關于推動經濟高質量發展、健全宏觀經濟治理體系與構建支持全面創新體制機制的戰略部署,迎接韦德体育bevictor75周年校慶,凝聚校友力量,弘揚學術精神,韦德体育bevictor拟于2024年10月26日舉辦第二屆全球校友學術年會,主題為“宏觀經濟和金融治理體系創新與高質量發展”。韦德体育bevictor全球校友學術年會旨在彙集海内外“三院一中心” (中國經濟與...
19 2024-09
學術沙龍|宏觀金融讨論班(113期):貨币聯盟中的最優貨币和财政政策 1.研讨論文Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policy in A Currency Union (Journal of International Economics. Galí and Monacelli. 2008)2.主講人王忏(金融學院副教授)3.上期回顧We defined and solved the equilibrium, in which CPI inflation and PPI inflation are not necessarily equal within a country due to international trade but equal at the global level. We also reviewed some fundamental concepts regard...
23 2024-08
學術沙龍 | 宏觀金融讨論班(第112期):貨币聯盟中的最優貨币和财政政策 1.研讨論文Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policy in A Currency Union (Journal of International Economics. Galí and Monacelli. 2008)2.主講人王忏(金融學院副教授)3.上期回顧We reviewed the literature on the coordination between fiscal and monetary policy. We studied the model setup where there is a continuum of countries. The household in each country consumes a bundle composed of home and foreign go...
16 2024-08
學術沙龍| 宏觀金融讨論班(第111期):貨币聯盟中的最優貨币和财政政策 1.研讨論文Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policy in A Currency Union (Journal of International Economics. Galí and Monacelli. 2008)2.主講人王忏(金融學院副教授)3.論文簡介We lay out a tractable model for the analysis of optimal monetary and fiscal policy in a currency union. The monetary authority sets a common interest rate for the union, whereas fiscal policy is implemented at the country level, ...
08 2024-08
學術沙龍|宏觀金融讨論班(第110期):創造性破壞的增長模型 1.研讨論文A Model of Growth Through Creative Destruction (Econometrica. Aghion and Howitt. 1992)2.主講人陳健英(中經管2023級博士生)3.上期回顧We derived the economy's average growth rate and the variance of the economy's growth rate. We then identified the first-order condition that maximizes social welfare and compared it with the laissez-faire equilibrium. Subsequently, we relaxed the assumpt...
02 2024-08
學術沙龍|宏觀金融讨論班(第109期):創造性破壞的增長模型 1.研讨論文A Model of Growth Through Creative Destruction (Econometrica. Aghion and Howitt. 1992)2.主講人陳健英(中經管2023級博士生)3.上期回顧We introduced the setup of the baseline model. We showed that in equilibrium, the marginal cost of R&D is increasing in research employment, while the marginal benefit of R&D is decreasing in research employment. We also obtained two long-term equilibrium...
26 2024-07
學術沙龍|宏觀金融讨論班(第108期):創造性破壞的增長模型 1.研讨論文A Model of Growth Through Creative Destruction (Econometrica. Aghion and Howitt. 1992)2.主講人陳健英(中經管2023級博士生)3.論文簡介A model of endogenous growth is developed in which vertical innovations, generated by a competitive research~stationary equilibria, in which research employment is constant and GNP follows a random walk with drift, although under some circumstances cyclic...
19 2024-07
諾貝爾經濟學獎得主埃裡克·馬斯金教授來校舉行學術講座 7月13日上午,諾貝爾經濟學獎得主、哈佛大學經濟系亞當斯大學講席教授、韦德体育bevictor特聘教授埃裡克·馬斯金(Eric Maskin)教授應邀來校舉行學術講座。會談照片講座前,校黨委書記吳國生、校長馬海濤、副校長李濤與馬斯金教授進行了親切的會談交流,感謝馬斯金教授長期以來對學校的大力支持,希望馬斯金教授能夠繼續支持學校和中國經濟與管理研究院的發展。馬斯金教授表示非常欽佩韦德体育bevictor在人才培養和學術研究方面取得的豐...
18 2024-07