學術沙龍|宏觀金融讨論班(第87期):Transition to Clean Technology 1.研讨論文Transition to Clean Technology2.主講人呂嘉琪(中經管2022級碩士生) 3.上期回顧Last time we clarified the concept of the knowledge stock, the flow of innovations and the variable and fixed costs of R&D activity. We also discussed the distortion caused by the R&D subsidy and the equations of the carbon cycle. 4.本期預告We will focus on the general equilibrium, and dive into deriving the ...
13 2023-12
中國人力資本報告發布會暨人力資本國際研讨會十五年曆程 2009年10月10日,韦德体育bevictor人力資本與勞動經濟研究中心首次舉辦了主題為“人力資本的度量及其對增長和福利的貢獻”國際研讨會暨發布會,首次發布中國國家層面人力資本指數及《中國人力資本報告2009》(中英文版)。項目探索性地建立了中國人力資本的綜合度量體系,其階段性成果包括:1985-2007年中國分城鄉、分性别的名義與實際人力資本存量,相應人均人力資本與各種人力資本指數;人力資本分布狀況和變化趨勢;對2008-2020...
09 2023-12
學術沙龍|宏觀金融讨論班(第82期):Artificial Intelligence and Economic Growth 1.研讨論文Artificial Intelligence and Economic Growth2.主講人楊欣(中經管2021級博士生)3.時間11月9日14:00-17:004.地址學術會堂7125.人數規模30人6.主持人/點評老師王忏、明洋7.活動對象韦德体育bevictor、金融學院學生8.上期回顧我們讨論了人工智能如何影響新思想的産生,并且通過兩個例子說明了經濟實現完全自動化後可能使得奇點——即爆炸式增長出現。9.本期預告我們将繼續對奇點的讨論。我們會看到:即使經濟沒有實現完全...
08 2023-12
學術沙龍|DSGE讨論班(第50期):歐元區DSGE模型中的信貸和銀行業 1. 分享論文: Credit and Banking in a DSGE Model of the Euro Area (ANDREA GERALI, STEFANO NERI, LUCA SESSA, FEDERICO M. SIGNORETTI 2010)2. 分享人: 孫甯(金融學院,2023級博士生)3. 時間:2023年12月07日(周四),晚上19:00-22:004. 地點: 學術會堂7125. 主持人:王忏(金融學院),趙軍柱(韦德体育bevictor中國經濟與管理研究院)6. 論文摘要:This paper studies the role of credit supply factors in business cy...
06 2023-12
學術沙龍|宏觀金融讨論班(第86期):Transition to Clean Technology 研讨論文 Transition to Clean Technology 主講人:呂嘉琪(中經管2022級碩士生) 上期回顧 We discussed the model setup, including how the same intermediate goods can be produced with the clean or dirty technology. We solved the intermediate goods producers’ cost minimization problem, and showed how a vertical innovation model with two different types of technologies can be solved using the approac...
06 2023-12
韦德体育bevictor舉辦第六期“學術午餐會” 11月27日,韦德体育bevictor第六期“學術午餐會”在學術會堂712會議室如期舉行。中國經濟與管理研究院徐雅華老師擔任主講嘉賓,并作了題為“Intraday and overnight tail risks in the crude oil market: Evidence from oil-related regular news and extreme shocks”的學術報告。韦德体育bevictor副院長兼中國經濟與管理研究院副院長汪雄劍,青年教師尹鵬輝、明洋、甄芳、郭來特等參加了此次“學術午餐會”。本期“學術午餐會”上,徐...
04 2023-12
學術沙龍|應用微觀理論與實證讨論班(2023年秋季學期第11期) 研讨論文:The Effects of Career and Technical Education: Evidence from the Connecticut Technical High School System.(The Review of Economics and Statistics,Brunner, Eric J., Shaun M. Dougherty and Stephen L. Ross. 2023 )主講人:唐一傑、易嘉璐(中經管2022級本科生) 論文簡介: This article primarily examines the impact of Connecticut's technical high school system on students. The study uses th...
04 2023-12
學術沙龍|宏觀金融讨論班(第85期):Transition to Clean Technology 研讨論文Transition to Clean Technology 主講人呂嘉琪(中經管2022級碩士生) 論文簡介We develop an endogenous growth model in which clean and dirty technologies compete in production. Research can be directed to either technology. If dirty technologies are more advanced, the transition to clean technology can be difficult. Carbon taxes and research subsidies may encourage production and innovation...
29 2023-11
學術沙龍|DSGE讨論班(第49期):歐元區DSGE模型中的信貸和銀行業 1·分享論文Credit and Banking in a DSGE Model of the Euro Area (ANDREA GERALI, STEFANO NERI, LUCA SESSA, FEDERICO M. SIGNORETTI 2010)2·分享人孫甯(金融學院,2023級博士生)3·時間2023年11月30日(周四)晚上19:00-22:004·地點學術會堂7125·主持人王忏(金融學院)趙軍柱(韦德体育bevictor中國經濟與管理研究院)6·論文摘要This paper studies the role of credit supply factors in business cycle fluctuations using ...
29 2023-11
韦德体育bevictor舉辦第五期“學術午餐會” 11月13日,韦德体育bevictor第五期“學術午餐會”在學術會堂712會議室如期舉行。中國公共财政與政策研究院任傑老師擔任主講嘉賓,并作了題為“The Reversal of the Gender Education Gap with Economic Development”的學術報告。韦德体育bevictor黨委常務副書記李漢軍、常務副院長袁淳、副院長兼中國經濟與管理研究院副院長汪雄劍等十餘名教師參加了此次“學術午餐會”。“學術午餐會”是韦德体育bevictor面向青年教師搭建的學術交流平台,...
25 2023-11