研讨論文:The Effects of Career and Technical Education: Evidence from the Connecticut Technical High School System.(The Review of Economics and Statistics,Brunner, Eric J., Shaun M. Dougherty and Stephen L. Ross. 2023 )
This article primarily examines the impact of Connecticut's technical high school system on students. The study uses the admission scores of technical high schools as instrumental variables and incorporates interactions with student characteristics. The research finds that attending technical high schools has a positive effect on students' income and employment outcomes. Additionally, the study analyzes characteristics such as students' race, eligibility for free lunch, and English learner status, and identifies variations in the impact of technical high schools based on these characteristics. Overall, this article provides empirical evidence regarding the impact of technical high school on students.
時間: 2023年12月6日12:30-14:00
點評教師:戴田甜 姜神怡 明洋 尹鵬輝