Sushanta Mallick
Exchange Rate Pass-through and Monopsony Power in a Large Emerging Economy
The exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) literature has not considered the labour market effects of exchange rate changes. Using a product-level data set from India, we find significant but incomplete exchange rate pass-through to export and import prices. These incomplete pass-through estimates imply significant exogenous changes in prices, generating gains for producers. Further, with a plant-level Indian data set, we show that these gains, arising from currency depreciation, are shared with labour as reflected in lower markdown, and this price gain brings their wages closer to the competitive wage. As expected, the gains for labour from depreciation are higher in the case of exporting plants and lower for plants using imported inputs. These results suggest significant welfare effects of exchange rate movements which have not been documented in this literature.

Sushanta Mallick是英國倫敦瑪麗女王大學(Queen Mary University of London )商業與管理學院的國際金融學教授。此外,自 2015年1月以來,他一直擔任擁有 40 年曆史的領先學術期刊《Economic Modelling》的聯合主編,他也擔任《Economic Analysis and Policy》的聯合編輯。他擁有英國華威大學經濟學博士學位。他在主要期刊上發表了100多篇同行評議的文章,重點關注國際經濟、銀行與金融以及創新與發展領域的問題。Mallick教授的論文發表在European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Corporate Finance, British Journal of Management, Research Policy, Economic Theory, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Journal of Banking & Finance, Oxford Bulletin of Economics & Statistics, IMF Economic Review, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Journal of International Money and Finance, World Development等經濟金融學領先期刊上。