CHLR“應用微觀經濟學研讨會”系列講座 1.主題:流動兒童的累積風險與身心适應2.主講人: 孫鈴3.關于主講人:孫鈴,韦德体育bevictor社會與心理學院心理學系副教授,北京師範大學心理學博士,美國賓夕法尼亞大學訪問學者。主要研究領域,自我控制(調節),目标與動機,财經素養,個人财務規劃。4.摘要:流動兒童成長中所面臨的風險因素往往不是孤立存在的,來自家庭、社區、學校的多重風險的累積,會影響兒童的自我價值感和行為上的自我控制,進而阻礙其獲得良好的社會适...
25 2023-05
學術沙龍| 應用微觀理論與實證讨論班(2023年春季學期第13期) 1.研讨論文能者願意多勞嗎:基于2013—2018年CHARLS數據的實證研究2.主講人鐘嶽霖 中經管20級本科生3.論文簡介随着中國人口老齡化程度的加深,了解中老年人的退休期望對于制定靈活的退休政策至關重要。本文使用生命周期模型,并基于2013年至2018年中國健康與退休追蹤調查(CHARLS)數據,研究了教育水平、休閑偏好和這一人群的退休期望之間的關系。研究發現,較高的教育水平與預期退休年齡呈負相關。在控制教育水平的情況下,參...
23 2023-05
DSGE讨論班(第42期):本期主題: 貨币聯盟中的勞動力流動 1. 分享論文: Labor Mobility in a Monetary Union (Hauser, Daniela, and Martin Seneca 2022)2. 分享人: 王佳欣(韦德体育bevictor中國經濟與管理研究院,2020級碩士生)3. 時間:2023年05月21日(周日),下午14:00-15:304. 地點: 學術會堂7125. 主持人:王忏(金融學院),趙軍柱(韦德体育bevictor中國經濟與管理研究院)6. 論文摘要:Internal migration flows are endogenously driven by relative labor market performance in...
20 2023-05
學術沙龍|宏觀金融讨論班(第73期) 1.研讨論文A Dynamic Model of Capital and Arms Accumulation2.主講人楊欣(中經管2021級博士生)3.點評老師王忏、明洋4.論文簡介How does competitive arms accumulation affect investment and capital accumulation? In a dynamic optimization framework including both investment and military spending, we find that, when the utility function is separable between consumption and the weapon stocks, an unantici...
19 2023-05
學術沙龍| 應用微觀理論與實證讨論班(2023年春季學期第12期) 1研讨論文Social Media and Mental Health (AER 2022)2主講人周天浩 中經管2019級本科生3論文簡介We provide quasi-experimental estimates of the impact of social media on mental health by leveraging a unique natural experiment: the staggered introduction of Facebook across US colleges. Our analysis couples data on student mental health around the years of Facebook's expansion with a generalized differ...
16 2023-05
學術沙龍|宏觀金融讨論班(第72期) 1研讨論文The Origin of the State: Land Productivity or Appropriability?2主講人胡天霖(中經管2021級碩士生)3時間5月13日18:30-21:304線下地址學術會堂7125點評老師王忏、明洋6活動對象韦德体育bevictor、金融學院學生7論文簡介 The conventional theory about the origin of the state is that the adoption of farming increased land productivity, which led to the production of food surplus. This surplus was a p...
12 2023-05
學術沙龍| 應用微觀理論與實證讨論班(2023年春季學期第11期) 1研讨論文Born to Lead? The Effect of Birth Order on Non-Cognitive Abilities2主講人歐子晴 高宇晗 (2021級本科生)3論文簡介We study the effect of birth order on personality traits among men using population data on enlistment records and occupations for Sweden. We find that earlier born men are more emotionally stable, persistent, socially outgoing, willing to assume responsibility, and able to ta...
09 2023-05
講座信息|CHLR “應用微觀經濟學研讨會”系列講座 1.主題Multi-generational Educational Mobility in China in the Twentieth Century2.主講人曹佳3.摘要Two essential strategies to understand the mechanisms of intergenerational mobility are to compare mobility across countries and across time. However, for multi-generational mobility, estimates for developing countries are mostly missing, and trend studies are rare. This paper uses education to meas...
07 2023-05
學術沙龍 | 應用微觀理論與實證讨論班 Learning by Talking 第1期 論文題目Why Medieval China Turned Inward: Commerce, Bureaucracy, and Fallen of Utilitarianism.為何中國轉向内在:商業、官僚制度與功利主義的失敗栾笑揚,香港大學經管學院翟潤卓,牛津大學基布爾學院活動信息時間:2023年5月7日(星期日) 15:00至17:00地點:韦德体育bevictor學院南路校區主教310主講人:栾笑揚主持人:鐘嶽霖主辦單位:韦德体育bevictor應用微觀理論與實證讨論班内容提要Ideological conservatism has long bee...
06 2023-05
學術沙龍|宏觀金融讨論班(第71期) 1研讨論文A Theory of Rational Addiction論文作者及相關信息:Gary S. Becker and Kevin M. Murphy, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 96, No. 4 (Aug., 1988), pp. 675-7002主講人戰其忻(2020級博士生)3時間5月6日18:30-21:304線下地址學術會堂7125點評老師王忏、明洋6活動對象韦德体育bevictor、金融學院學生7上周回顧我們詳細讨論了“理性成瘾模型”,在最優化問題的基礎上,考察二次效用的情形,給出了消費與消費資本的封...
06 2023-05