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韦德体育bevictor中國公共财政與政策研究院,副教授,聯系方式: lanlanwa@cufe.edu.cn




2002年9月—2007年8月,University of Southern California, School of Policy, Planning and Development, Urban Planning, 博士

1999年1月—2001年6月,University of Southern California, School of Policy, Planning and Development, Urban Planning, 碩士




2011年9月— 韦德体育bevictor中國公共财政與政策研究院 副教授






  1. Lanlan Wang, Sheng Li, Linqian Hu, 2023,Looking for the missing link: Driving restriction, car trips, and air pollution in Beijing,Cities,132 (104055).

  2. Sheng Li,Kuo-Liang Chang,Lanlan Wang, 2020,“Racial residential segregation in multiple neighborhood markets: a dynamic sorting study”,Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 15:363-383.

  3. Ping Qin,Lanlan Wang*, 2019“Job Opportunities, Institutions, and the Jobs-Housing Spatial Relationship: Case Study of Beijing”,Transport Policy, 81:331-339.

  4. Hu, Lingqian, Tieshan Sun,Lanlan Wang, 2018,“Evolving urban spatial structure and commuting patterns: A case study of Beijing, China”,Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 59:11-22.

  5. Sheng Li,Lanlan Wang,Kuo-Liang Chang, 2018,“Do Internal Migrants Suffer from Housing Extreme Overcrowding in Urban China?”,Housing Studies, 33(5):708-733.

  6. Lanlan Wang, Ping Qin, 2017, “Distance to work in Beijing: Institutional reform and bargaining power”,Urban Studies,54(6):1385–1406.

  7. Lanlan Wang, Jintao Xu, Ping Qin, 2014, “Will a driving restriction policy reduce car trips?—The case study of Beijing, China”,Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 67:279–290.

  8. Lanlan Wang*, Tieshan Sun, 2014, “Capitalization of legal title: Evidence from small-property-rights houses in Beijing”,Habitat International, 44:306–313.

  9. Lanlan Wang*, Tieshan Sun, Sheng Li, 2014, “Legal title, tenure security, and investment—An empirical study in Beijing”,Housing Studies, 29(8): 1117-1138

  10. Ming Zhang, Xiangyi Meng,Lanlan Wang, Tao Xu, 2014, “Transit development shaping urbanization: Evidence from the housing market in Beijing”,Habitat International, 44:545-554.

  11. Qin, Ping., Xinye Zheng andLanlan Wang*, 2014, “Travel mode choice and impact of fuel tax in Beijing”,Environment and Development Economics, 19(1): 92-110

  12. Zhang, Ming.,Lanlan Wang, 2013, “The Impacts of Mass Transit on Land Development in China: The Case of Beijing”,Journal of Research in Transportation Economics, Vol. 40, No. 1,pp. 124-133.

  13. Sun, Tieshan., Zhenhai Han,Lanlan Wang, Guoping Li, 2012, “Suburbanization and Subcentering of Population in Metropolitan Beijing: A Nonparametric Analysis”,Chinese Geographical Science, Vol.22, No. 4, pp. 472-482.

  14. Wang, Hui., Fubing Su,Lanlan Wang, and Ran Tao, 2012, “Rural Housing Consumption and Social Stratification in Transitional China: Evidence from a National Survey”,Housing Studies, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 667-684.

  15. Wang, Hui.,Lanlan Wang, Fubing Su, Ran Tao, 2011, “Rural Residential Land Use in China: Pattern, Efficiency and Prospects for Reform”,Habitat International, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 201-209.

  16. Wang, Lanlan*., Peter Gordon, 2011, “Trust and Institutions: A Multilevel Analysis”,Journal of Socio-Economics, Vol. 40, No. 2010,pp. 583-593

  17. Wang, Hui., Ran Tao,Lanlan Wang, Fubing Su, 2010, “Farmland Preservation and Land Development Rights Trading in Zhejiang, China,”Habitat International, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 454-463.

  18. Giuliano, Genevieve., Peter Gordon, Qisheng Pan, Jiyoung Park,Lanlan Wang, 2010, “Estimating Freight Flows for Metropolitan Area Highway Networks Using Secondary Data Sources,”Journal ofNetworks and Spatial Economics,Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 73-91.

  1. 王蘭蘭,趙建梅,2024,撤縣設區、 空間一緻性與縣域經濟發展,《韦德体育bevictor學報》,第5期

  1. 王磊,王蘭蘭,2022,“文明城市” 評選與地方城投債規模的擴張:一個基于評比表彰機制的分析,《韦德体育bevictor學報》,74-88

  2. 秦萍,陳穎翺,徐晉濤,王蘭蘭*,2014,北京居民出行行為分析:時間價值和交通需求彈性估算,《經濟地理》,第11期

  3. 徐晉濤,秦萍,王蘭蘭,2013,北京居民出行行為調查分析報告,《中國社會科學》(内刊)

  1. 孫鐵山,王蘭蘭,李國平,2013,北京市都市區多中心空間結構特征與形成機制,《城市規劃》,37(7):28-32

  1. 王蘭蘭,汪晖,陶然,2012,宅基地拆遷賠償的地域差異,《經濟理論與經濟管理》,第32卷,第7期,pp. 104-112

  2. 孫鐵山,王蘭蘭,李國平,2012,北京都市區人口—就業分布與空間結構演化,《地理學報》第67卷,第6期,pp.829-840

  3. 汪晖,王蘭蘭,陶然,2011,土地發展權轉移與交易的中國地方試驗—背景、模式、挑戰與突破,《城市規劃》,第285卷,第7期, pp. 9-13

  4. 王蘭蘭,孫鐵山,丁悅,2010,産權與房價:基于北京市小産權房的分析,《中國區域經濟》,第2卷,第1期,pp, 46-58

  5. 李晟,王蘭蘭,李勝軍,2010,位置對城市存量房價的影響,《建築經濟》,第327卷,第1期, pp. 69-72

Books or Paper in Book

  1. Park, Jiyoung., Peter Gordon, James E. Moore II, Harry W. Richardson,Lanlan Wang, 2007, “Simulating the State-by-State Effects of Terrorist Attacks on Three Major US Ports”, inThe Economic Costs And Consequences Of Terrorism, edited by Harry W. Richardson, Peter Gordon and James E. Moore II, MA: Northampton, Edward Elgar Publishing

  2. 《城鎮化與城市财政建設》課題組,2014,“公共财政研究報告---城鎮化與城市财政建設”,中國财政經濟出版社,課題組成員。

  3. 《中國地方政府融資平台研究》課題組,2011,“中國财稅發展研究報告—中國地方政府融資平台研究”,中國财政經濟出版社,課題組成員。

Research Reports

  1. 汪晖,王蘭蘭,陶然,史晨,2010,《土地政策、農村治理、公共服務改革與振興中國農村》,UNDP總報告,中華人民共和國與聯合國開發計劃署項目(項目編号: CPR/06/023)。

  2. 孫鐵山,汪晖,王蘭蘭,2009,走出“小産權房”困境:現狀、成因、政策建議及配套改革,《北大-林肯政策簡報》第二期。

  3. 鄧鋒,鄧岚,林堅,劉雲中,王蘭蘭,張明,2007,城鄉統籌發展的制度創新建議,《領導決策參考》,第7期(總第148期): 1-14。

  4. Balaker, T, A. T. Moore, G. Passantino, R. W. Poole, A. Summers, andLanlan Wang, 2006, Addressing California's Transportation Needs: Problems with Proposition 1B and Alternative Approaches,ReasonPolicy Study.


  1. 王蘭蘭,2011-2013,土地制度與房地産市場:基于北京市小産權房的實證研究,教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金。

  2. Lanlan Wang and Lezheng Liu, “Spatial Nature of Housing Prices: An Empirical Investigation for Beijing Housing Market”,獲北大林肯研究中心2008-2009年度研究基金的資助(項目批準号:WLL20080815)。

  3. 王蘭蘭,“小産權之房價效應:從實證與制度層面上的分析”,獲韦德体育bevictor“中财121人才工程”青年博士發展基金(2008-2009)資助(項目批準号:QBJ0712)。

  4. 王蘭蘭,孫鐵山,土地制度與房地産市場—基于北京市小産權房的實證研究,獲北大林肯研究中心2008-2009年度研究基金的資助(項目批準号:WLL20090201)。

  5. 王蘭蘭,戶籍與農地制度配套改革,北大林肯研究中心2009-2010年度研究基金(項目批準号:TR20090801)。


  • Graduate Course

    • Urban Economics (I):

    • Urban Economics (II)

  • Undergraduate Course

    • Urban Economics

    • Quantitative Methods for Policy Analysis(with other faculties)

    • Literature Review and Research Methods in Economics(with other faculties)


  1. “Moving on Reform: Gender, Bargaining Power and Distance to Work in China”,9thAnnual Conference for International Association for China Planning, June 19-21, 2015,Chongqing,China.

  2. “Job opportunities, Institutions, and the Jobs-Housing Spatial Relationship: Case Study of Beijing”,8thAnnual Conference for International Association for China Planning, Oct. 21-22, 2014,Guangzhou,China.

  1. “Travel Demand Analysis and the Policy Implications in Beijing”, invited presentation inThe 7th Forum of Sino-French Sustainable Urban Transport Systems, Nov. 1-2, 2014,Tongji University, Shanghai, China.

  1. Invited commentary at theInternational Symposium on Urban Land Use, Transport, Environment, and Finance, July 12-13, 2014, Peking University-Lincoln Institute,Beijing,China.

  2. “Legal Title, Tenure Security and Investment—An Empirical Study in Beijing”, invited presentation inConference of Land Policy and Economic Development in China, May 20-22, 2012 at the Lincoln House in Cambridge, MA, USA..

  3. “Legal Title, Tenure Security and Investment—An Empirical Study in Beijing”, presented atWestern Regional Science Association 51stAnnual Meeting, Feb. 8-11, 2012, in Poipu, Hawaii, USA.

  4. “Expropriation of Rural Residential Properties in China: An Empirical Evidence”, in Chinese, presented in a conference ofLand Property Rights Reform in China: Local Experience and Innovation,April 24, 2010,Beijing, China.

  5. “Spatial Nature of House Prices in Beijing”, presented at the2nd China-Japan Regional Science Conference, Oct. 18-19, 2008,Beijing, China.

  6. 會議報告:“House Price Determination: An Empirical Approach for the Housing Market in Beijing”, presented at the83rd Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association(WEA), in Hawaii,USA,June 29-July 3rd, 2008.

  7. 會議報告:“Social Behavior: A Micro-Institutional Understanding”, presented at the1stChina-Japan Regional Science Conference, Oct. 20-21, 2007,Beijing, China.



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