2010年8月—2017年5月 紐約州立大學賓漢姆頓大學 經濟學系/經濟學專業 經濟學博士
2006年9月—2010年7月 北京第二外國語大學 國際經濟與貿易系/國際經濟與貿易專業 經濟學學士
2021年12月—今 韦德体育bevictor中國經濟與管理研究院 副教授
2017年8月—2021年12月 韦德体育bevictor中國經濟與管理研究院 助理教授
1. Ji, Yangyang, and Wei Xiao, 2022. “A Note on the Slope of the Aggregate Demand Curve at the Zero-lower-bound,” Macroeconomic Dynamics, Vol. 26(04): 1107–1126. [SSCI]
2. Ji, Yangyang, 2021. “Are Technology Shocks More Expansionary at the ZLB?” CESifo Economic Studies, Vol. 67(3): 296-317. [SSCI]
3. Ji, Yangyang, 2021. “The Effect of New Deal Policies Revisited,” CESifo Economic Studies, Vol. 67(2): 238-249. [SSCI]
4. Ji, Yangyang, and Wei Xiao, 2019. “Was the New Deal expansionary?” Economics Letters, Vol. 184: 1-4. [SSCI]
5. Ji, Yangyang, 2019. “Are Supply-side Reforms Contractionary at the Zero Lower Bound?” CESifo Economic Studies, Vol. 65(1): 68-83. [SSCI]
6. Ji, Yangyang, and Wei Xiao, 2018. “Instability of Sunspot Equilibria in Real Business Cycle Models under Infinite Horizon Learning.” Macroeconomic Dynamics, Vol. 22(08): 1978-2006. [SSCI]
7. Ji, Yangyang, 2017. “Expectations, Taylor Rules and Liquidity Traps.” Journal of reviews on Global Economics, Vol. 6: 193-197.
8. Ji, Yangyang, and Wei Xiao, 2016. “Government Spending Multiplier and the Zero Lower Bound.” Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol. 122(1): 31-35. [SSCI]
9. 紀陽陽. 機加工設備招投标過程中最低評标價法的改進與應用[J]. 中國招标, 2009.
1. Zhang, Sen, Yangyang Ji, and Tianye Lin, 2019. “The relative price of investment goods, the price level, and the "slope puzzle",” CEMA Working Papers No. 609.
2. Lin, Tianye, Yangyang Ji, and Sen Zhang, 2020. “Real Estate, Interest Rates, and Crowding-out Effects,” CEMA Working Papers No. 613.
1. “The Liquidity Trap and a Price Dispersion Puzzle,” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Economic Association, January 6-8, 2023.
2. “Downward Wage Rigidity in a Liquidity Trap,” Presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Economic Association, Houston, U.S.A. November 20-22, 2021, and at the annual meeting of the American Economic Association, January 6-8, 2022.
3. “Expectations in Dynamic Macroeconomic Models,” Presented at the conference on “Expectations in Dynamic Macroeconomic Models,” at the Dutch Central Bank, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 6-8, 2016.
4. “Investigating Driving Forces behind The Labor Wedge and Its Two Components,” Presented at the fourteenth annual meeting of Chinese economists, Peking University, Beijing, China. August 24, 2014. Presenter & Discussant and Presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Economic Association, New Orleans, U.S.A. November 21-23, 2015. Presenter & Discussant
5. “Instability of Sunspot Equilibria in Real Business Cycle Models under Infinite Horizon Learning,” Presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Economic Association, Atlanta, U.S.A. November 22-24, 2014. Chair & Presenter
審稿:《Land Use Policy》、《Journal of Macroeconomics》、《Journal of Money, Credit and Banking》、《Annals of Economics and Finance》