2000-2006:美國加州大學戴維斯分校 農業經濟與管理 博士
2012-至今:韦德体育bevictor中國經濟和管理研究院 教授、博導(2017年3月)
2008-2012:韦德体育bevictor中國經濟和管理研究院 副教授
2007-2008:加州州立大學弗雷斯諾分校 經濟研究員
1997-2000:中國農業科學院農經所 助理研究員
1. Toba Stephen Olasehinde, Ye Jin, Fangbin Qiao*, and Shiping Mao*, China Economic Review. Forthcoming.
2. Qiao, Fangbin. 2023. The impact of mechanization on crop production in China. Applied Economics, 55(15): 1728-1741.
3. Fangbin Qiao*, Jikun Huang. 2020. Technical Efficiency of Bt Cotton Adoption: Results from Household Surveys in China, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 68(3):947-963.
4. Fangbin Qiao*, Ruifa Hu and Jikun Huang*. 2020. Genetically modified (GM) rice versus non-GM rice: pesticide use and yield. Science China Life Sciences, 63(5):785-787.
5. Fangbin Qiao*, Jikun Huang. 2020.Sustainability of the Economic Benefit of Bt Cotton in China: Results from Household Surveys, Journal of Development Studies, 56(11):2045-2060.
6. Fangbin Qiao*, Jikun Huang, Xiaobing Wang. 2017. Fifteen Years of Bt Cotton in China: Results from Household Surveys. World Development, 98:351–359.
7. Fangbin Qiao*. 2017. Increasing wage, mechanization, and agriculture production in China. China Economic Review, 46: 249–260.
8. Fangbin Qiao*, Jikun Huang*, Dan Wang, Huaiju Liu, Bryan Lohmar. 2016. China’s hog production: From backyard to large-scale. China Economic Review, 38: 199–208.
9. Weiming Huang, Fangbin Qiao*, Huaiju Liu, Xiangping Jia, Bryan Lohmar. 2016. From backyard to commercial hog production: Does it lead to a better or worse rural environment? China Agricultural Economic Review, 8(1): 22-36
10. Jian Zhang, Fangbin Qiao*, Bingbin Li. 2016. Paradox of student gender: A case study of economic education from China. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 36:1, 92-110.
11. Jikun Huang, Ruijian Chen, Fangbin Qiao*, Kongming Wu. 2015. Biosafety management and pesticide use in China's Bt cotton production. China Economic Review, 33: 67–75.
12. Fangbin Qiao*. 2015. Fifteen years of Bt cotton in China: The economic impact and its dynamics. World Development, 70:177–185.
13. Fangbin Qiao*, Scott Rozelle, Linxiu Zhang, Yi Yao, Jian Zhang. 2015. Impact of childcare and eldercare on off-farm activities in rural China. China & World Economy, 23(2): 100–120.
14. Fangbin Qiao, Scott Rozelle, Jikun Huang, Linxiu Zhang, and Renfu Luo*. 2014. Road expansion and off-farm works in rural China. China Quarterly, 218:428-451.
15. Ruijian Chen and Jikun Huang*, Fangbin Qiao*. 2013. Farmers' knowledge on pest management and pesticide use in Bt cotton production in China, China Economic Review, 27(12):15-24.
16. Fangbin Qiao*, Jing Chen, Colin Carter, Jikun Huang, and Scott Rozelle. 2011. Market Development and the Rise and Fall of Backyard Hog Production in China, The Developing Economies, 49(2):203-222.
17. Fangbin Qiao*, Jikun Huang, Scott Rozelle, James Wilen. 2010. Natural refuge crops, buildup of resistance, and zero-refuge strategy for Bt cotton in China, Science China Life Sciences, 53(10): 1–12.
18. Fangbin Qiao*, Jikun Huang, James Wilen, Scott Rozelle. 2009. Dynamically Optimal Strategies for Bt cotton in a Developing Country, European Review of Agricultural Economics, 36(2):253-279.
19. Fangbin Qiao*, James Wilen, Scott Rozelle, 2008. Dynamically Optimal Strategy to Manage Resistance to Genetically Modified (GM) Crops, Journal of Economic Entomology, 101:915-926.
20. Fangbin Qiao, Bryan Lohmar, Jikun Huang, Scott Rozelle, Linxiu Zhang. 2003. Producer Benefits from Input Market and Trade Liberalization: The Case of Fertilizer in China, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 85: 1223-1227.
21. Jikun Huang*, Ruifa Hu, Carl Pray, Fangbin Qiao, Scott Rozelle. 2003. Biotechnology as an Alternative to Chemical Pesticides: A Case Study of Bt Cotton in China, Agricultural Economics, 29: 55-67.
22. Jikun Huang*, Ruifa Hu, Scott Rozelle, Fangbin Qiao, Carl Pray. 2002. Small holders, Transgenic Varieties, and Production Efficiency: The Case of Cotton Farmers in China, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 46: 367-87.
23. Carl Pray*, Danmeng Ma, Jikun Huang, Fangbin Qiao. 2001. Impact of BT Cotton in China, World Development, 29: 813-25.
24. 李昭琰,喬方彬,2019.工資增長對機械化和農業生産的影響。《農業技術經濟》,第2期,第23-32頁。
25. 喬方彬,2018. 轉基因抗蟲棉經濟效益可持續性研究. 《中國科學: 生命科學》, 第48期,第1330-1342頁。
26. 李昭琰,郭豔琴,喬方彬,2015.雙價轉基因抗蟲棉經濟效益分析。《農業技術經濟》,第8期,第4-14頁。
27. 喬方彬,黃季焜,Rozelle Scott, Wilen James。棉鈴蟲的自然庇護所、抗性發展以及中國的零庇護所政策, 《中國科學:生命科學》,2010年第40卷第11期,第1074-1086頁。
28. 喬方彬,黃季焜,羅澤爾,1998. 林地産權和林業發展—雲南林區的實證研究,《農業經濟問題》,1998年第7期,第23-29頁。
29. 張林秀,喬方彬。農業技術推廣與主管領導,《中國農村觀察》,1998年第5期,第63-67頁。
30. 喬方彬,張林秀。農業技術人員的推廣行為分析,《農業技術經濟》,1999年第3期,第12-15頁。
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