近日,我院張志祥教授與約翰霍普金斯大學M.Ali Khan教授合作的有關兩部門随機增長的一篇文章在國際期刊Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control(中财AA類)在線發表。
摘要:This paper shows that the introduction of uncertainty in the two-sector model due to Robinson-Solow-Srinivasan (RSS) fully subdues the veritable plethora of the results that have been obtained the theory of deterministic optimal growth. Rather than an “anything goes” theorem that admits optimal cyclical and chaotic trajectories for the discrete-time deterministic version, we present results on the existence, uniqueness, asymptotic stability and a comparative-static properties of the steady state measure. We relate the basic intuition of our result to global games, and note that the properties of value and policy functions we identify rely on “supermodularity” and “increasing-differences property” of Veinott-Topkis-Milgrom-Shannon. While of interest in themselves, our results highlight a methodological advance in developing the theory of optimal growth without Ramsey-Euler conditions.
作者介紹:張志祥,在北京師範大學取得數學學士和碩士,在北京大學取得數學博士,在約翰霍普金斯大學取得經濟學博士,曾在北京大學和新加坡國立大學工作,現為韦德体育bevictor中國經濟與管理研究院教授。曾在Annals of Economics and Finance, Economic Theory, Economic Modelling, Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Mathematical Social Science, Transactions of American Mathematical Society, 北京大學學報,數學進展,應用數學學報等學術刊物發表文章。